
These fey spirits are born in the wild, though it isn’t
uncommon for some to migrate to humanoid societies,
often unnoticed due to their magical animal guise.
They protect their abodes, bonding with a house’s
owners if treated kindly.
A dvorkin has a small but lithe furry body, and its
attitude resembles that of a child. It is usually friendly
toward others, especially if they display kindness. If
a creature is hostile toward the dvorkin, it returns the
favor in its own wild fey fashion.
Wild Bond. A dvorkin is not a creature that one owns.
Rather, these fey creatures choose people to bond with.
The relationship is not hierarchical, but symbiotic.
In exchange for food, shelter, and kindness, the dvorkin
protects the people, their land, and the things precious
to them. Most commoners wouldn’t even know a dvor
kin has made its home amidst them, as these creatures
take the form of pets, commonly a dog or a cat. The
people protected by a dvorkin don’t hold any sway over
it, but live in tandem with the creature.
The dvorkin is a friend and a helper with its own mind
and character, not a servant—it’s quite important to
remember that. Kind and protective as they are, they’re
spirits of nature and retain their wild and chaotic
individuality, following their own whims and emotions.
Sometimes an ill-treated dvorkin can commit horrible
acts of spite, vengeance, or jealousy.
Supernatural Senses. The dvorkin has extraordinarily
sharp senses, surpassing most humanoids in sensitiv
ity and acuteness. Its special sight goes even beyond
those limits, into the realm of the supernatural, peering through invisibility and into the Ethereal Plane.
In the woodland realms where it hails from, the dvorkin
uses its special sight to spot malevolent cursed spirits
or concealed evildoers, alerting the more powerful
denizens of the forest so such threats can be dealt with.
In humanoid settlements, the little fey spends most of
its time outdoors, which is why people call it “dvor
kin,” a phrase that can be vaguely translated to “spirit
of the yard.” The dvorkin shares animalistic traits with
domesticated beasts, but it has a superior intellect akin
to its humanoid friends. It helps the people it lives with,
shepherding their cattle, guarding their chicken coops
from predators, and foiling the plans of even the best
of thieves. Moreover, it keeps its household safe,
looking out for any supernatural threats that may
harm its family.

Variant: Dvorkin Familiar

Their loyalty and ability to detect supernatural and invis
ible beings makes the dvorkin a sought-after familiar for
arcanists and rangers. Though similar to the relationship
between a traditional familiar and a wizard, there is one
major difference: the dvorkin has no master and always
acts of its own volition. A dvorkin who agrees to act as a
familiar has the following trait.

Familiar. The dvorkin can serve another creature as a
familiar, forming a magic, telepathic bond with that willing
companion. While the two are bonded, the companion can
sense what the dvorkin senses as long as they are within 1
mile of each other. While the dvorkin is within 10 feet of its
companion, the companion shares the dvorkin’s Sentinel’s
Sight trait. At any time and for any reason, the dvorkin can
end its service as a familiar, severing the telepathic bond.